Tuesday, 1 March 2011

presents and outfits

Today is my 15th birthday.cI'm going to celebrate it this Saturday so I haven't got loads of presents yet(although I am expecting that). I did get some small gifts from my friends at school today. From my parents I got a day trip to Antwerpen with a little money to shop. I'm really excited to go but don't know when yet.
a bracelet and nail polish

a pair of bracelets

I wasn't sure about what to wear today. I managed to borrow my sisters boots. I really love them! Maybe I may have them if she finds another pair of boots. I had two possible outfits. One with a dark purple dress and the other with a black skirt and a denim shirt.
This denim shirt is one of my favourite items

It's a dark purple velvet dress from H&M
Which outfit do you like the most? Leave a comment!


  1. gefeliciteerd! <3


  2. ik vind velvet kleedjes zooo leuk
